Amusement Park: Baki Side Story Manga Online The story follows a dark place inside the world of the Baki series, the so-called "Amusement Park". The main character is Mumon Katsuragi, older brother of Katsumi. He ventures into a dark place where money is everything and lives are cheap, the "Amusement Park", motivated to find the killer of his mentor and master Taizan Matsumoto. The killer left a few trails behind and with his wits and physical prowess, he's been able to track him down to the ultimate dangerous fighting arena. Read Manga Free, Read Manga Online, Manga Free, Read Anime"
Amusement Park: Baki Side Story Manga Online Free, ゆうえんち-バキ外伝
The story follows a dark place inside the world of the Baki series, the so-called “Amusement Park”. The main character is Mumon Katsuragi, older brother of Katsumi. He ventures into a dark place where money is everything and lives are cheap, the “Amusement Park”, motivated to find the killer of his mentor and master Taizan Matsumoto. The killer left a few trails behind and with his wits and physical prowess, he’s been able to track him down to the ultimate dangerous fighting arena.
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