Isshou Hatarakitakunai Ore ga Classmate no Daininki Idol ni Natsukaretara Manga Online Rintaro Shido, a high school student who aspires to become a full-time househusband, is in the class with a very popular idol, Rei Otosaki. The two have no connection other than being classmates, but their relationship changes drastically when Rintaro serves Rei a home-cooked meal after she nearly collapses from hunger! The food was so delicious that Rei said, "Can I come here every day to eat?"...?! Read Manga Free, Read Manga Online, Manga Free, Read Anime"
Isshou Hatarakitakunai Ore ga Classmate no Daininki Idol ni Natsukaretara Manga Online Free, 一生働きたくない俺が、クラスメイトの大人気アイドルに懐かれたら
Rintaro Shido, a high school student who aspires to become a full-time househusband, is in the class with a very popular idol, Rei Otosaki. The two have no connection other than being classmates, but their relationship changes drastically when Rintaro serves Rei a home-cooked meal after she nearly collapses from hunger! The food was so delicious that Rei said, “Can I come here every day to eat?”…?!
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