Subarashiki Kono Kuso Sekai Manga Online Tachibana, an alpha who turned from a salaryman to a yakuza, works under Goto, a beta, who is the young head of a group backing an omega brothel. But as a matter of fact, Tachibana was ordered to secretly keep an eye on Goto. What is the unknown secret of Goto, who rose to the top of the group's ranks as a beta...? Read Manga Free, Read Manga Online, Manga Free, Read Anime"
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Tachibana, an alpha who turned from a salaryman to a yakuza, works under Goto, a beta, who is the young head of a group backing an omega brothel. But as a matter of fact, Tachibana was ordered to secretly keep an eye on Goto. What is the unknown secret of Goto, who rose to the top of the group’s ranks as a beta…?
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