Tabun, Deawanakereba Yokatta Usotsuki na Kimi ni Manga Online Koyo Ito works at a law firm while studying to pass his examinations to become a judicial scrivener. One day while out drinking with his friend, Morio, he meets a mysterious and alluring girl in college who goes by the name "Nana." Koyo, who for some reason or another had already given up on dating, is met with a suggestion by Nana that the two "go on a date." Right as a spark is ignited between the two, Koyo's co-worker, Minegishi, begins showing interest in Koyo, which leads to the breaking down of Koyo's everyday life. Read Manga Free, Read Manga Online, Manga Free, Read Anime"
Tabun, Deawanakereba Yokatta Usotsuki na Kimi ni Manga Online Free, たぶん、出会わなければよかった嘘つきな君に ; I Wish I Never Met a Liar Like You
Koyo Ito works at a law firm while studying to pass his examinations to become a judicial scrivener. One day while out drinking with his friend, Morio, he meets a mysterious and alluring girl in college who goes by the name “Nana.” Koyo, who for some reason or another had already given up on dating, is met with a suggestion by Nana that the two “go on a date.” Right as a spark is ignited between the two, Koyo’s co-worker, Minegishi, begins showing interest in Koyo, which leads to the breaking down of Koyo’s everyday life.
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